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We also have several modes of Online & Offline donations if you are not interested in an online mode :- Cheque/ DD - Send in the name of "Gospel Trumpets" to our Office Address.

Account Name: Gospel Trumpets

Bank Account No: 30142010046193
IFCS code No: SYNB0003112

Account Name: Gospel Trumpets

Bank Account No: 30142010024870
IFCS Code: SYNB0003014 (CBS)

Why you should join the mission

We are seeking for the helping hands to support the unprevilaged people who are in need of Food, Education, Clothes and Medical Assistance. Lot of People are still in below poverty. Please support us to get them uplift from their present life.

Psalm 126:3 declares, “The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” The past year was incredible, and it was all made possible because of you. Your love for God and for people is the fuel for this ministry to deliver the message of hope. Thank you! Not only I have the wonderful privilege of ministering God’s Word to you, but because of your faithful prayers and support, God opens the doors for us to reach millions more here through project and sewing ministry around India. We rejoice with every report of how God’s Word is inspiring people to believe, some to receive Christ for the first time, and others who have found renewed hope for a better and brighter future. Through your faithfulness we will continue to reach every home possible with a real message that God cares and that His love is unconditional.

Thank you for your free will offering that helps change lives, restore relationships and transform communities and nations for Jesus Christ. Truly, the Lord has done great things in us and through us! In this year, God has even greater things for us to do. With your help we will continue to tell the world, “God loves you, and cares for you”.

Believing for God’s best,
Rev.G.S.Vijay Bhushanam

Care for the Lepers

By supporting a leprosy affected patient, you’ll be contributing towards their holistic care. Your support of INR 1500 every month will aid in their medical care, education of their children, provide nourishing food.

Tribal Ministry

This project is aimed at empowering 79 women in urban slum areas of north India by providing free sewing and tailoring skill development training to make them self-sufficiency and self reliant.

Dorcas Widows Project

As these women are abandoned and advancing in age contribute towards their medical aid, food and clothing.

Sophia Child Development

Your support of INR 1150 per month will provide for the holistic development of the child such as opportunity for regular schooling, a nourishing meal a day, medical care(regular health checkup), awareness programs, field trips. Your helping hand will educate and empower a child living in poverty.

Grace Educational Academy

Sponsor a child’s education for their bright future. Your contribution of INR 500 every month will aid in their school supplies, education, field trips.

Tabitha Tailoring

Tabitha Tailoring Project Needs a small number of Sewing machines, Raw materials, Sewing tools.